Waste Less: How To Reduce Waste And Save Money

Waste Less: How To Reduce Waste And Save Money

There are many reasons to reduce waste in our lives, and lots of benefits. Cutting back on waste not only saves you money, but it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, plastic pollution and can help nature too. The more we waste, the more we are using the Earth’s resources, like water, land and energy, and these all have an impact on nature, wildlife and climate change.

The average person in wealthy nations throws out their bodyweight in edible food every year and this equates to hundreds of dollars, pounds and euros wasted per household. But, the good news is, there is lots of potential to cut waste and get a win win for you and for our planet.

So How Can You Avoid Food Waste And Save Money? Here Are Some Tips To Help You:

  1. Plan your meals ahead and buy only what you need. Make a shopping list and stick to it. Avoid impulse buying and check the expiry dates of the products you buy.
  2. Store your food properly and use it up before it goes bad. The most commonly discarded foods are fresh vegetables and salads, so try putting these at the front of the fridge or cupboard as they get older. Have the most impact by not throwing out any meat, fish, or cheese, as they have a much higher carbon footprint than vegetables and fruit. It’s also how you’ll save the most money.
  3. Get creative with leftovers and use them in new dishes. You can make soups, salads, sandwiches, casseroles, or stir-fries with leftover ingredients. You can also freeze them for later use or share them with friends or family.
  4. Compost your food scraps or donate them to a local farm or community garden. This way, you can turn your waste into fertilizer for plants and reduce landfill waste.
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