Be the most efficient you, and save lots of money too. Heating homes, powering appliances, and driving all release carbon. But you can be more efficient in all those areas giving you another way to cut a tonne. There are three main areas where you can get efficient and the less energy you use the more energy you’ll save.
Heating (or cooling)
As utility bills rocket, many people want to save on heating bills. You can do this and save carbon at the same time. Turning down the thermostat by 1C can save over 5%off your bills every year, and other actions such as draught proofing, smart heating, and turning off radiators in unused rooms can save even more carbon and cost. If you live in a hot country draught proofing, smart cooling, and turning off the air con in unused rooms all have the same carbon-cutting effect. Turn the air con temperature up though to save energy and emissions.
Electricity use
The appliances we use, the devices we rely on, and lighting of our homes all add to electricity bills and carbon emissions. However, there are plenty of ways to cut back that although small by themselves, add up.
For your appliances, try washing at 30C and always use the Eco Mode for your dishwasher. Make your fridge as efficient as possible, and try to avoid the tumble dryer. Also, make sure you turn off devices and lights when you leave the room to save even more. Finally, if you are looking to buy a new appliance this year (because your old one is beyond repair) make sure you go for the most Efficient Appliance possible.
It’s not only at home where you can be more efficient. Driving more efficiently can save 20% on fuel costs as well as cutting back on air pollution. Not idling your car is another way to cut back on wasted energy.