The impacts of a changing climate are making water more unpredictable and scarcer. To summarize climate change, when it’s wet, it’s much wetter, and when it’s dry, it’s much dryer.
As the amount of water in soil, snow, and ice is changing that’s affecting farming, food production, health, and many of the industries we rely on.
That’s why we’ve added five new steps that focus on cutting water waste. With these new water steps, alongside over 160 others, you’ll be committing to new ways to help our planet and making sure every drop counts.
We all have a role to play and with nearly 1.5 billion people living in areas of vulnerability, it’s time to conserve all the water we can.
Turn Off The Tap
Build new habits by turning the tap off whenever it’s not needed. Whether it’s brushing your teeth, shaving, washing dishes, or anything else, turn the tap off as soon as you’ve got the water you need.
Wash Dishes On Full Load
Take this step, and as well as saving water, you’ll save carbon too. Heating up water to wash dishes uses electricity, and most electricity generation, involves burning fossil fuels. But modern dishwashers are getting more efficient at using less and less water for each load. Some now use under 10 litres which is the same as running a tap for just one minute.
So, make the most of your dishwasher and stack those dishes!
Wash Clothes On Full Load
If you’ve mastered the dishwasher, then it’s time to turn your green powers to the washing machine.
New washing machines are more efficient but use around 50 litres of water for every wash. Older machines can use much more. Whether old or new, you’ll save water over time if you try to always wash on a full load.
Learn How To Be Water-Wise
Learning is the first step to making a difference in the world. We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to how to cut water waste and be water-wise.
Harvest Your Rainwater
Water butts are a relatively cost-effective way to save water and are especially useful for gardening and other outdoor tasks that need a lot of water. Using a natural resource like rainwater helps save treated water which requires lots of pumping and treatment to get it to your home.
Just a small patch of a roof in the India can harvest over 1000 litres of rainwater in a year, and most will do many times that! Install a water butt and you’ll be saving water in no time.