But everyone needs to find the steps which are right for them and which they’re motivated to start now.
The steps also focus on four of the most important areas of sustainability today: water, plastic, finance and supporting vulnerable communities.
The more steps we all take the more sustainable our lives will be with less pollution, more abundant nature and a healthier future.
Single use plastic is everywhere. From plastic bags to drinks bottles and food wrappers to cutlery the average person can get through hundreds of single use plastic items each year. Kick the habit by saying no to different types of
Cutting back on plastic helps to cut the burning of fossil fuels as that’s how most plastic is made. It’ll also reduce plastic pollution on land and in the sea.
Step Two: Water Saving Checklist
There are small changes people can make everyday to save water.
On the one hand heavy rainfall, which is leading to increasingly dangerous floods, will become more common with climate change. However, hotter temperatures also mean more droughts which are already being seen around the world. Put simply dry conditions will be much drier and last for longer.
As a result saving water becomes more and more important. Here are some ideas from the checklist to tick off:
- Rather than leaving the tap running use a bowl to wash vegetables or dishes
- Run the dishwasher on a full load
- Use the small flush button on the toilet
- Run the washing machine on a full load
- Only boil the water you need in the kettle
- Take a shorter shower
- Turn the tap off when washing your teeth.
Step Three: Find Out How Green Your Pension Is
The money in your pension could be invested in companies that are harming the climate including oil, gas and coal companies. Find out how green your pension is as a first step in deciding if you want to do something about it.
The more money an individual has in their pension the more important this step becomes. Currently the world’s largest companies are generating emissions that are in line with 2.5C to 3C of warming. But pension funds in the rich world are worth over $30 trillion so there is a huge amount of money that can force them to change.
Step Four: Support A Community Affected By Climate Change
More and more people are being impacted by climate change. As well as day to day changes in temperatures and rainfall there are also an increasing number of major climate events, and disasters, which are leaving billions of people at risk.
Support those communities through direct action or donation.
Good Reasons To Do It
Why Now
From catastrophic flooding in Pakistan to drought in the Sahel millions were displaced in 2022 alone. With 80-90% of all disasters over the last 10 years coming from droughts, floods and severe storms more and more vulnerable people need help.